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Rod Dreher
Rod Dreher
How to be happy
Rod Dreher
You’d be better off being Lorna, a struggling, overweight, unhealthy, unattractive black church lady and granny than Richard, a wealthy, white, handsome, single man who has lots of interesting aesthetic experiences. From Nick Kristof’s column today: Men are no happier than women, and people in sunny areas no happier than people in chillier climates. The…
Ideas and partisanship
Rod Dreher
As I’ve been wrapping things up in Dallas, I’ve had several good conversations with friends and associates about what I’m moving to Templeton to do. Whatever the political orientation of these friends, I’ve detected a common theme in our conversations related to my next job: a weariness of political partisanship and how it has made…
Good & bad about this new blog
Rod Dreher
I’m struggling to get my footing on this new blog. As you know, I’m no longer blogging about politics and the culture war, and as a result, my readership numbers have dipped. It’s going to take some time to build them back up, and I’m confident this can happen. Still, I was not prepared for…
M. d’Espagnat, the apophatic quantum physicist
Rod Dreher
I’ve been at Templeton only two weeks, and all these great and fascinating things keep turning up. Yesterday after church, I spoke with a friend at coffee hour who, when I told him I’d gone to work for Templeton, spoke glowingly about Bernard d’Espagnat, the quantum physicist who won the 2009 Templeton Prize for Progress…
George Noory, a religious talk radio host?
Rod Dreher
Loved this Atlantic Monthly profile of George Noory, the host of the overnight syndicated radio show “Coast to Coast.” I had no idea that Art Bell had left the show years ago, and handed it off to Noory. Why is the show, which focuses heavily on the paranormal and conspiracies, such a huge success? From…
And yet, the Haitians praise God
Rod Dreher
The other night, a day after the Haiti earthquake, ABC News ended its evening broadcast with video of destitute and shell-shocked Haitians standing in the street, singing alleluia. It was a stunning sight. Last night on Fox, Geraldo Rivera reported on a Fox crew that had gone out in search of an orphanage rumored to…
Steven Pinker on the blank slate
Rod Dreher
After liturgy yesterday, I was talking to a friend who was pleased to learn that I’d been at a dinner the other night with Harvard evolutionary psychologist Steven Pinker. My friend, though an Orthodox Christian, finds reading the atheist scientist Pinker intellectually thrilling. He said that Pinker’s book “The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of…
Counterterrorism and the Ring of Power
Rod Dreher
From today’s NYT Magazine piece on Obama’s counterterrorism strategy: Michael Hayden, the last C.I.A. director under Bush, was willing to say publicly what others would not. “There is a continuum from the Bush administration, particularly as it changed in the second administration as circumstances changed, and the Obama administration,” Hayden told me. James Jay Carafano,…
Maybe you should stay in the city
Rod Dreher
Sharon Astyk, a rural farmer who writes often about preparing for what she believes is a coming time of severe economic hardship related to peak oil and climate change, says city people who believe escaping to the country is the best option for them ought to seriously reconsider. She makes the case for why cities…
Dr. Gould, small-town physician of the gods
Rod Dreher
Last night I was up with insomnia and started poking around Facebook, which I never do. And what did I find? A tribute page to Alfred R. Gould, M.D., now retired, but in his day the small-town physician of myth. Except Dr. Gould was a myth that’s true. Dr. Gould was the town doctor when…
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