The word “tolerant” is used a lot these days. We are supposed to be tolerant of a wide range of things and if we aren’t were are deemed “racist” or some other ugly label. Well, I’VE HAD IT!

We are in a mess in this country because we have tolerated too much. We have tolerated the government spending more than it takes in…we have tolerated disrespect of authority…we have tolerated foul language…we have tolerated our borders being assaulted…we have tolerated bad behavior in public figures…we have tolerated the 10 Commandments being removed from halls of  justice…we have tolerated prayer being removed from our schools…we have tolerated immorality…we have tolerated “dirty” politics…we have tolerated immodesty….we have tolerated double standards….we have tolerated revisionist history…

I am intolerant of the intolerable. I am not ashamed to say it! Oh, I know there are those that would argue that everyone interprets things from their own paradigm. Phooey! We used to have standards that everyone understood. Having standards today is “intolerant”.  I, for one, miss the standards. It is like having  the painted lines on the highway. You know in which lane to be so things don’t get chaotic. What if the Olympics said everything is relative and we want to be “inclusive”? The games would soon be irrelevant. Our society is becoming irrelevant. 

We need standards. We thrive in that enviornment – our society is dying in this “tolerant” and “inclusive” age. We can stop it but it’s up to us – we need to become more intolerant.




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