All my children and most of my grandchildren have gathered. I love it. My two 19 year old grandsons could not come due to work schedules and my one son-in-law works for UPS so this is his busy season. My oldest grandson, Walker, turns 19 today! I am sorry he is not with us – we miss him.

But that is what I am most  thankful for. My kids are home and I so enjoy their interaction with each other Each one has their own personality, they each have  heart for God and each has a great sense of humor. There was a time the did not get along – seriously they fought and argued but now I loved to hear their conversations as they give each other advice, talk about what  the Lord is doing in their lives, politics, sports… I have lived long enough to know the joy of being a mother to some terrific people.

The birds are in the oven. We are having many for Thanksgiving dinner and Noelle was going to get one 27 lb. bird. I wasn’t sure I could fit it into the oven! So she got two smaller birds.

It promises to be a day of food, football and family. What a terrific combination!

I trust all that are gather at your house will have a memory-making day.

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