Yesterday, I was riding along on a dreary and gray day. The wind was picking up and you could feel the impending rain in your bones. I looked over and saw an older woman riding her bike. Not around any stores but like she just wanted to ride her bike. I was perplexed, since I wanted to just hide under the covers in this weather. The difference is I think my time is unlimited and most likely, she does not. She’s at a different place in her life. I’m in go-go-go mode and she has more time to be. She’s not on fast track to a destination, a hamster wheel, a race, climbing any mountains. I might be wrong on all that, but this was my observation.

I thought just by looking at her, that she was seizing the day as I was driving from one end of the island to the other, to drop off ticket orders for my older daughter’s recital, stopping at the grocery store so I could make stuff for dinner, before I had to take my oldest son to karate. Meanwhile my mind is making career to-do lists and. . .I still haven’t mailed out thank you notes, I have to call so and so. I must do my mediation with Oprah and Deepak. (Side note-never did it yesterday.)

The lady on the bike was riding her heart out. She didn’t know if she would have tomorrow. Here, I was going double up on mediation today and it’s 9pm and I am typing this and I’m handed a cup where I am asked to get the apple out of the cup. I’ve been going all day at life. I took my oldest son for bloodwork (he’s fine) and when we got there at 7:30 am, I had forgotten the script so we headed home, and started again. I told him not to look while she was putting the needle in. He then insisted on looking over after it was in. Well, my older daughter would have passed out or threw up. Driving home, he throws up. . .multiple times. I know the drill. Let’s get some OJ. Thankfully it was the hubby’s car for once. Joking, but true, and because he had fasted there wasn’t anything in his stomach. Oh, fun times. I wonder what that lady on the bike is doing right now? I need to get in the shower since I worked out earlier, before driving my daughter to dance and picking up something at the store. I’m not a shopaholic, but rather an economic stimulator. Hubby cooked dinner luckily, since I was on a business/friend call. I wonder if I can play the mediation in the shower or will that be like showering with Oprah and Deepak? What a visual there!

Tomorrow, I’ll regroup and make time to mediate. Balance is part of self-love and sanity. Riding your bike is all about balance too. I am going to ride my heart out tomorrow and do something, one thing at makes me feel alive, and it will not be bike riding because I don’t have a bike. My BFF can tell you funny stories about how bad I was at riding a bike when we were younger. Luckily, with age I’ve become more graceful. I was always a klutz and my favorite book in grade school was called “Megan The Klutz.” I am going to ride my heart out regardless. I won’t let the wind stop me. No obstacles will prevent me from moving forward. Riding into the wind, like running, shows you what you’re made off. It’s easy to sit on your butt at home and do nothing. That lady showed me that there are not always perfect conditions for riding, but they could be worse, it could’ve been a storm. She may not have the schedule I have, the big life, or the time left that I have, but she is living fully. That’s the whole point anyway.

Ride your heart out.

Psst. . .Don’t tell Oprah I missed a day. It’s not the first time. 😉

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