The media can grab our attention with the things we “should” be afraid of.  The list grows by the day.  It sells.  It keeps us imprisoned in fear.  This keeps us small.  It makes us want to escape reality if we think we can’t improve it.

Do you want to survive or thrive?

If you focus on just surviving and going through the motions…,it’s a half-lived life.  Are you thriving?  It feels so different.  Does this mean you don’t have things you’re still working on?  No, cause you’re human.  But you can see what’s going well, what needs tweaking, and how you can improve.  Growing, learning, and becoming more, as you accept yourself, is the yin and yang of it.

Think of your own journey as an evolution.  The evolution takes time, but it doesn’t have to take long once we decide.

I have to ask myself, where do I keep myself small?  I am learning where I’ve placed my own limitations.  Looking at my habits, patterns, mindset, and what I spend my time and energy on is bringing up a lot for me.  I see it falling into categories like numbing out, distractions (media of all kinds), to-do lists and business that doesn’t’ feel productive.  If I shift focus, I want to put my energy on my family, making money, enjoying life, and my soul’s purpose.  If it doesn’t feel good what I’m doing, I have to take a look at what that means.  Either I don’t do it or shift my focus.  I can spread myself too thin and then lose my center if not.  My energy is depleted and I feel deflated and small again.  Fear wears many disguises and it can have us running in circles trying to do-be-have enough.

I can ask myself…is this important?  Does this deserve my time?  If I know my worth, does this serve me?  If I love myself, would I ____?

I ask the Universe to release anything that no longer serves me.  In this space where limitations have lived, now possibilities will dwell.  I ask for newness.  My job is to look in the direction of what I want to and not to get caught up in fear.  I have a choice.  I can look at the news, kickin’ around the same thinking that gets people nowhere or I can turn off and tune out what is fear and place my laser focus on what I do want.  I can focus on love, strength, good vibes, higher thinking, solutions, possibilities, dreams, and such.  There are many realities in any given moment, in any given room, in any given mind.  We have so much power.  I now pick up my light saber and be like Yoda says “Do or do not.  There is no try.” I will connect to the Force.  It’s always there, waiting for me.  It’s always there for me to choose it or fear.   How much can I let this infinite Divine cosmic force occupy my consciousness?

What I know for sure is…no fear…I can.

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