“In a system, a process that occurs will tend to increase the total entropy of the universe.” How, then, can evolution claim that the complexity of species is increasing?  Doesn’t this movement towards order violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics? Such an argument is actually based on a misunderstanding of the law.  The Second Law…

“Darwin’s idea eats through just about every traditional concept, and leaves in its wake a revolutionized worldview,”  writes philosopher Daniel Dennett on the potentially faith-shattering power of evolution.  Athiests claims that accepting the theory of evolution destroys the idea that God could have created the universe, including human beings. Is this true?  Certainly, evolution has…

Source: san.stephens2 / Flickr / All Rights Reserved Descent from common ancestral species is a cardinal principal of biological evolution, but where do we find the evidence to support such a claim?  In his book Coming to Peace with Science, Darrel Falk explains several genetic clues that point to common ancestry, including duplicate genes and…

Source: Flickr / Navena / All Rights Reserved A friend tells me the most important task for Science and the Sacred is to present evidence of evolution in ways people without a biology background can understand. A year ago, this friend thought all species on earth were created from scratch in six 24-hour days about…

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