
I have to admit that regarding Eric, I border on having the pride of a parent.   Because his disability was not pinpointed correctly, he wasn’t getting the treatment or interventions that he needed.  Therefore, he was a troubled child when he entered our program.  This led to behavioral concerns that were not entirely his fault.

However, he was cute beyond imagination, feisty and fiery.  You loved him at first sight.  I’ve known Eric for more than 20 years and he has grown into a man.  Tall and handsome, his frame is still thin and gangly giving him the appearance of a person much younger than his age.

At times, he isn’t able to control the effects of all the stimulation that surrounds him and he has to walk away from the crowd.  He paces until he is able to calm himself and then he returns.  He jokes and laughs with anyone who will take time to listen.

One evening as I was transporting him home from an event, it was raining.  This wasn’t one of those ordinary downpours but one that people remember and write about.  “I won’t be able to get out of the car if it keeps raining like this,” Eric observed from the back seat.  I conceded the truth of his statement.

“If you pray, God will stop the rain.  You need to pray,” he instructed me.

I was a bit concerned because I didn’t have faith at that moment to pray for the rain to stop.  It had been raining almost non-stop all day.  I’d seen the weather report and the rain was going to continue until morning.

I had never heard Eric ask for prayer; and being this specific was an issue for me.  I didn’t want to hinder Eric’s growth in faith by not having his prayer answered.

In addition, we needed the rain.  Central Florida had been without rain for a long time.  We were needing rain more than Eric was needing to stay dry.

From the back seat, I heard him say, “You need to pray.”

Reluctantly, I prayed.  “Lord, Eric needs to get out of the car.  Can you stop the rain for a moment so that he can get out of the car and get into his house?  In Jesus’ name,  Amen.”

Within five minutes we approached his house.  It was still pouring until I pulled into his driveway.  At that moment the rain stopped.  “I better get out in a hurry,” Eric jovially asserted.  “It’s only going to stop for a minute.”  He rushed out the car onto his front porch.  As he waved good-bye to me, the rain started back.

Again and again, I’ve seen Eric ask for ridiculously extravagant things from the Lord.  I’ve never seen the time that the Lord has refused his requests.

You would like Eric.

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