Yesterday was filled with back-to-back meetings.  I got on the road at 7AM for my first meeting which was 50 miles away.  I criss-crossed two counties zipping from one meeting to another.  I finished my day and meetings at 5PM.  While I wasn’t pushed to be on time yesterday, I usually leave my first Thursday meeting later than I plan which leaves Thursday as a “push day.”

Haven’t you noticed that while God is always on time, he is never in a “push for time.”  He is never in a hurry.  Moses felt a burden for Israel and perhaps even a call of God as a young prince in Egypt.  After killing an Egyptian, he fled the country.  Then he languished for 40 years in a self-imposed, desert/prison before God gave him a burning bush and a job assignment.

Joseph was thrown in prison for more than two decades before God allowed him to be released and facilitate the survival of Jacob and his family.

It was 400 years before Israel was released from Egypt.

The examples go on and on.  In my life, God clearly spoke to my heart regarding ministry within the intellectually disabled community.  He said to me, “This is what I have called you to do.”  However, it was 21 years before he opened the door for me to do this ministry.  I know now that God was right on time.  There were many years of training, teaching and corralling that was needed to bridle this bucking, unruly mare.

I am uncertain about many of the ways of the Lord.  However, a friend taught me a valuable lesson years ago.  She said to me, “Linda, God is never in a hurry.  He has an eternity.  The enemy of our souls is always in a hurry.  If you feel rushed, you may not be in God’s will.”

She advised that when I feel rushed I should stop. Reevaluate and seek God.  That advice has helped me time and time again.

My good friend, Danielle, once told me, “It is obvious that God put you and your husband, Frank, together because he is never in a hurry and you are always rushing.”  It was true.  Frank walked and talked slowly.  He conducted business as a methodical, maddingly slow process.  He was a good monitor for me.  Often, I must remind myself.  Slow it down.  God isn’t in a hurry.  Why are you?

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