A Simple Life, a Childlike Faith

Several years ago, my friend who is a wonderful Catholic and an elder at Special Gathering, gave me a book.  I’m not sure of the title or the author because as soon as I finished it, I lent the book to another friend and it hasn’t returned home. The book was written by a Quaker pastor,…

After ten days in Hawaii and 2 days of travel, I got off the plane ready to GO!  I thought I had choir practice in four hours.  After I found there was no choir, I continued to work.  There was plenty to do preparing for the next two days of ministry at Special Gathering.  We…

I received the call at 7:30 tonight.  John died at 6pm.  I was at Universal Studios Theme Park with a group of people who are mentally challenged.  There was no way for me to run over to help comfort the family because I could not leave the people who were at the amusement park.  So we talked on…

During the past week, I’ve spent a lot of time riding the bus. I’m visiting my son in Oahu, Hawaii. They have one car which works great for them because his wife enjoys riding the bus. He has been working this week, giving his wife and me some quality time together. “I was warned,” she…

On most street corners on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, I find such a diverse mixture of folks.  There are the extremely affluent who seem to be always looking up as though searching the sky for a new adventure or advantage.  These folks are casually mingling with the “wacked-out” street people who mumble while constantly…

Often people with intellectual disabilities may have a language barrier.  Even though she is high functioning and can do almost any job, Teena’s language is muddled and confused.  She speaks her word-phrases backwards.  For most of her life, she has remained mutely silent because she understands that people can’t always interpret the twisted way her…

Sitting in a clean and bright room, Jonathan meticulously moved the yellow magic marker. He sat hunched close to the table in order to more carefully observe the imprints that spread over the picture of 4th of July fireworks. Like most artists, Jonathan studied each line and mark as he made it. After a few…

As important as productivity is, it is equally important to take time out to rest and recoup. There are few things that are as hard for Americans as stopping work, especially during this information age. Perhaps the fact that I’m typing this blog entry while the Pacific Ocean waves are roaring in the background is…

I received an alarming phone call from a parent of a young woman who is in trouble. She is still at the age that she should not be distressed about life and death issues; nevertheless, her fate hangs in the balance almost daily. Everything in me shouts, “This should not be!” Children should not be…

   Site of the World Trade Center March 2007 Over the past two months, I’ve been thinking.  What wonderful things could have happened if Jacob had given his twin brother, Esau, the bowl of soup he requested, rather than selling it to him? What would have happened had Jacob decided against tricking his father? What if…

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