Maddie is one of those people within the mentally challenged community whom everyone loves.  She is friendly and happy.  Maddie makes everyone feel as though they are her “extra-special friend.”  Several years ago Mattie and her husband moved from our city to a small town out of the state.  Because I assumed that I’d never see…

The choice that changed everything Nehemiah 9:17 Central Theme: Man choices to sin and God chooses to be gracious. A ream of paper has 500 sheets–not more and not less. A foot is 12 inches–not more and not less. There are many absolutes in our lives. There is a couple of absolutes that totally changed…

For many years, I taught a seminar called “Friendship Evangelism.”  The basis of this teaching was that people are much more susceptible to hear the promises of the Gospel, if they know and respect you.  We all have a knowledge of the friendship of David and Jonathan from the Bible.  Even if we only vague…

After four days of Camp Agape, my children laugh that I’m in my Camp Coma for about a week.  While it’s humorous there is a lot of truth in their designation of my abilities.  There are some things that I’ve learned from others and from my own experiences regarding physical fatigue. First, this is a…

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