Imagine the confusion of the young mother.  Nine months before, her life had been interrupted by an angel.  He said she would conceive a child and that he would be the Son of God.  He was the Messiah–king of the earth.  When her fiance had not believed her, he had been visited by an angel.…

Early this morning, I updated and published a daily blog–on the computer. Later in the morning, I worked on The Special Gathering of Indian River upcoming board meeting–on the computer. In the afternoon, I renewed my corporate papers, paid some bills, looked up an address, sought some important information regarding disabilities, tried to get my…

December 5 means that both of the Special Gathering Christmas plays are over in Melbourne and Vero. This year unlike 2009, Mary’s face wasn’t bruised from having dental surgery.  The shocking effect was what appeared to be a bearded Mary.  Unlike 2004, Joseph wasn’t rushed to the play from the hospital emergency room after the doctors had stopped an…

W. Somerset Maugham,  English dramatist & novelist, once said, “There are three rules for writing a successful novel.  Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.” It appears there are also three rules for building a successful ministry or church.  But sadly, no one knows what they are either.  Of course, that doesn’t mean that there are…

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