There are different terms to describe it – “flow”… “the zone”… “the right track”… “the sweet spot.”  It’s that feeling when you know you’re where you’re supposed to be, doing what you’re supposed to be doing, at the time  you’re supposed to be doing it.  It’s what it feels like when you’re in line with…

We all have one.  A story.  Good or bad, happy or sad… we all have a life story that tells the path we have taken and the experiences we have been through.  But often, we can become attached to these stories – whether we actually want to or not. Somewhere along the way, we get used…

In 2013, I did the unthinkable.  I deleted my Facebook profile.  Gasp! Although I haven’t looked back once, the reactions I get are always so interesting.  Usually it’s one of these: “Why??”  (while looking at me like I’m crazy) “Oh, I wish I could do that too…” “I would but I have to stay on…

Yesterday, the pastor at my church preached a message about transitions.  Among the many useful things he said, one in particular stood out to me.  That when you’re going through a major change or transition in your life – that is most likely when you are getting your story. Having recently been through a pretty substantial…

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