I heard on the news a few weeks ago that a woman in a small town in Texas had started a group called Pole Fitness for Jesus. The idea is to use pole dancing as a form worship and keeping shape. I have to say, I didn’t believe my ears. How could anything as sensual as pole dancing be a Christian activity?
After checking online to see exactly what they were talking about, I have to at least consider it. It is done in a private gym and to only Christian music. The women dress in modest workout clothes, nothing flimsy or sexy. They wear shorts and tank tops. One sees much more skin at the beach. Their movements are graceful and almost acrobatic. After all it is God who created our bodies and said we should present them as a living sacrifice unto Him.(Romans 12:1)
Each woman interviewed said she felt closer to God when dancing. They meet one afternoon each month and it is free. They all look at it as a form of worship. We have dancers at our church. They wear beautiful long flowing gowns when they perform a special dance for the church. During regular worship on Sunday mornings, they must be dressed modestly so as not to distract other worshippers. Many times the dances are choreographed to interpret the song being song by the congregation.
Psalm 149:3 says, “Let them praise His name with dancing. Let them praise His namewith the timbrel and lyre.” The Bible also tells of King David dancing befor the Lord when the Ark of the Covenant was returned to Jerusalem.
I think we each need to come to our own conclusions in this matter, but it’s not our pplace to judge others. We cannot know what is in an other’s heart. We each have our own personal convictions regarding many things. I believe this is a very personal thing.