Today, in New York City, people got a surprise as they walked down Fifth Ave. Way up high on a swanky apartment building sat a peacock.  He remained calm, cool, and collected as he surveyed the New York sky line.  Apparently he was enjoying the view and his new found freedom.

     It seems that our beautiful feathered friend had escaped from the Central Avenue Zoo. He needed a break from his hum drum life and a bit of adventure.  Don’t we all occasionally need a break from our everyday reality?  Our daily tasks and responsibilities sometimes make us weary.  We need a new spark of light, a crazy adventure, a few hours of freedom.  I imagine that even peacocks can get bored. 

     He was only gone a few hours, but how exciting to be flying over Central Park.  I didn’t even realize that peacocks could actually fly.  I thought they were just a beautiful bird that God created for us to enjoy.

     The peacock is now back home in the safety of his pen at the zoo.  I’m sure his family and friends are happy to see him back and behaving normally.  Unfortunately some people make a lifestyle of seeking adventures and running away from responsibilities.  At least this bird  had the good sense to go back home……to his real life.

     We can take a lesson from this story.  Everyone needs a break or vacation once in a while.  Just don’t forget to go back home.

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