Thanksgiving is always a special time for us because we get to see some of our children and grandchildren.  Both of our sons and their families were able to come this year, so we had  a double blessing.  We used to live in a four bedroom house on a forty acre farm.  We had a huge dining room and a table that would comfortably seat twelve people. Everything on the table matched, from the dishes to the candles and napkins.

Three years ago we moved into a small two bedroom house with no dining room.  We have a picture that hangs over the fireplace that says, “Our house may be a little house, but God knows where we live”.  I think that is true.  We may have to crowd around portable tables and use miss matched chairs, but we still are together.

As you can see, my table isn’t picture perfect; with pop bottles and paper plates, but the feeling is the same as when we had nice dishes and candle light.  Being together is wonderful.  We still eat too much, laugh a lot and are thankful to God for all His blessings.  Isn’t that what it’s all about?

Who cares if the dressing is a little dry or the turkey is over done?  Does it really matter if all the silverware matches or the tablecloth is made of fine linen?  Will the fellowship be sweeter if we wear fancy clothes instead of jeans?  Our focus is God and family.  We can have a wonderful time without all the frills.  Frills and fancy things are nice and we did that for several years, but we are in a different place in our lives now.

We have discovered that  “warm, fuzzy” feeling  is not about the decor around us, but rather the love that is within us.  God is so good to us and we truly are blessed.  We had an awesome Thanksgiving and hope you did too.

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