Small Town America

I would much rather eat a piece of homemade carrot cake than eat a raw carrot. I would be more likely to choose chocolate as a treat, over a radish.  Most of us would rather have ice cream instead of tomatoes.  However, we need to eat our veggies.  We need to partake in things that…

We recently did some remodeling in our bathroom.   My way of handling it was to run away with my friend and go shopping for 2 days.  The house was a mess, with tools and dry wall all over the place.  The noise of breaking up our cast iron tub would have been loud and irritating,…

I have a teddy bear collection.  I simply cannot resist their adorable faces.  I used to have hundreds of them in 3 rooms of my house.  When we moved to a smaller place 3 years ago, I had to downsize.  Now I might have 100 left.  I tried to keep only the ones with special…

We had the most beautiful red maple tree when we lived out on the farm.  It was just gorgeous in the fall.  I noticed a few months ago that they had cut it down.  Apparently it’s  branches were too close to the electrical wires, so down she came and all that was left was a…

I understand that World War I wasn’t really the first world war.  In the early 19th century, France and England were fighting throughout the world.  England was trying to stop trade between Canada and the young United States.  At the same time, the U.S. expansion was being  complicated by the English who were lending their…

Does your life ever feel like you are riding a merry-go-round?  Your emotions go up and down like the horses on the poles of a carousel.  Your spirit soars one day and you are in a valley the next.  Your physical body feels great one day and the next day you don’t want to get…

We used to live on a forty acre farm that my husband was born and raised on.  During the time we decided to raise some chickens so we could have fresh eggs.  We usually bought about 10 chicks, because we wouldn’t know if we had hens or roosters until they started to grow.  It was…

     I love to scrapbook.  I do it whenever I have a few minutes to spare.  I have all kinds of punches, stickers, ribbons, button, brads, and numeruos other tools.  To me scrapbooking is a great way yo relax and chill out from a busy day.  I love to let the creative juices flow when…

Have you ever noticed how cats love to climb up to the high places in your house?  Mine will even jump up to the top of the fireplace or refrigerator just to check out the view.  My husband gets quite annoyed at them because they tend to knock things off.   I keep telling him that…

I have never been much of a boat person.  Maybe because I get motion sickness very  easily.  I was always fearful on the small boats on Lake Erie.  I wasn’t sure the person handling the controls was really capable to do the job.  Owning a boat is about the last thing on my wish list.…

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