At the age of twenty-five I learned a major lesson. I came to realize that all the love, freedom and success I was seeking wasn’t going to come from a romantic partner, a ton of money or a high powered credential. Happiness was something I had to connect to within myself. This is the opposite of what I had been taught. I’d learned from the world around me that in order to “have it all” we needed money, romance and success. That programming led me to some pretty low bottoms in life. Luckily I finally hit a hard enough bottom to turn inward and reconnect with my true source of happiness. In this vlog I’ll set you on a path towards shifting your search for happiness inward. Then on Thursday, June 9th I’m offering a free tele-class called “3 Keys to Having it All, Love, Freedom & Success.” If you’re ready to end your outside search and fearlessly turn inward watch this vlog and join me on the 9th:)

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