Each New Year brings awesome blogging opportunities for self-help junkies like me. I love offering up tips for making positive change, especially when readers are committed. This year I’m going to take advantage of the resolution bandwagon and throw down some tips for bringing more HAPPY into your new year. Now is the perfect time…

Do you refresh Facebook fifteen times an hour to track the likes on your status? It’s likely the answer is yes. In some way or another many of us have become slightly (or not so slightly) obsessed with the social media feedback loop. While it may seem like a sign of the times, it’s actually…

Do you often experience synchronicity in your life? Maybe you think of someone and they call or the song you were singing begins to play on the stereo. I experience this awesomeness on a daily basis. I believe these encounters are a wink from the universe reminding us of our ever-present connection to the powerful…

For twenty years I kept a journal in which I wrote about heartbreak, anxiety, drug addiction and eating disorders. It was my only outlet from my pain. But today my journal entries reflect an empowered woman who is happy and bleeds authenticity. I’ve overcome my addictions to love, drugs, food, work and fear. I worked…

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