Spirit Junkie

Do you have a case of the “When I haves”? The “When I haves” are the tripped-up ways of thinking that go something like this: “When I have that job, or when I have that relationship, or when I have that money . . . then I’ll be happy.” This future-tripping leads your mind to…

This week’s vlog is focused on the most important tool in the happiness toolbox, meditation! If you’re a meditation newbie you can begin your practice with my guided meditations which are available HERE. I hope this video inspires you to take time for daily meditation. You’ll thank me later:)

I recently had one of those days where I felt overtired, overworked and overcooked? Rather than succumb to my ego’s desire to drink an espresso and charge forward with my work day, I chose to listen to my ~ing and take a fiver. Taking a fiver is an old-school Gabby tool that I turn to…

I recorded this vlog right before I visited my guru in Brazil. It had been four years since I visited the holy site in Brazil where my guru practices his miraculous healing. My trip inspired me to vlog about the importance of embracing our spiritual teachers. I am a true believer that when “the student…

The Universe is an ocean of abundance. We can attract this abundance or we can deflect it. It’s our job to recalibrate our energy so we can be a magnet for miracles and a super attractor. Ths vlog will teach you how to connect to loving energy, shed more fear and dial up your attracting…

At the age of twenty-five I learned a major lesson. I came to realize that all the love, freedom and success I was seeking wasn’t going to come from a romantic partner, a ton of money or a high powered credential. Happiness was something I had to connect to within myself. This is the opposite…

As a student and teacher of the metaphysical text A Course in Miracles I am guided to bring all of my fearful thoughts to the surface. One of the greatest ways to shine light on the darker corners of our mind is to out our ego. If we announce our fear out loud to another…

I’ve recently felt a tremendous amount of gratitude for all the support I receive from the Universe. Rather than let my ego say, “this is all too good to be true,” I embrace the miracles and say THANK YOU. My gratitude raises my awareness of miracles. The mission of this vlog is to guide you…

These days everyone has a blog, twitter handle, Facebook page, Linkedin account and several other forms of online communication. The majority of us are pumping content through the web hoping for someone to click the like button, post a comment, or re-tweet. With this endless flood of messages how can anyone be heard? The answer…

I love my life. Today I see my world through shimmering golden lenses. Lenses, that filter my vision with love, inform my thoughts, fuel my emotions and support my energy. Today I choose love over fear in all situations. I feel abundant, happy and free. My job in life is to help others feel this…

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