When I was twenty-five I became a devotee of the spiritual teacher Marianne Williamson. One of her books in particular hit me straight in the heart: A Woman’s Worth. After reading it, I was awakened to a power source within me I had never recognized before. This awesome awakening occurred upon reading the following passage:…

During tough economic times, many people think they need to sacrifice passion and focus solely on earning money. From a spiritual perspective, this is the exact opposite approach to generating real abundance. Yes — paying your bills takes practical action. But it also requires an internal belief system powered by inspiration and passion. Without an…

This is the first video in an interview series called May Cause Miracles, in honor of my forthcoming book. In this series I’ll feature my miracle worker friends and riff on how they live a miraculous life. Today’s interview is with Danielle Laporte. For more about May Cause Miracles click here.

This past weekend sitting on the beach I hear the clicking of a camera. I look up and realize that my friend had snapped a funky angled picture of me in a bikini. My kneejerk reaction is to wrestle the camera out of her hands and delete the photo. In that moment I witness all…

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