If the Republicans had continued partying while the Hurricane smashed Louisiania, they might have been criticized for not getting it, again. Instead, John McCain has stated that this is a moment to put country first. Delegations at the convention have raised money and will be, admirably, sending care packages.
But when does their hyper concern go from being sensitive to exploitative? At the convention Monday, they played a film of Rick Perry, the Republican governor of Texas declaring, “You’re seeing Republicans governors in Republican states doing a fabulous job taking care of the citizens – that’s what we do.” The name of the website set up to help is not “Gustav Relief” or “Help the Gulf” or something like that. It’s www.CauseGreater.com, plucked from McCain’s regular speech line that Americans should serve “a cause greater than yourself.”
If you go to that website, you are redirected to the John McCain website, where you can learn about Gustav-related charities – or buy McCain paraphernalia, watch a TV ad, or volunteer for the campaign. Click on the giant “Contribute” button at the top of the page, and you go not to Gustav relief but an area where you can contribute to McCain-Palin Victory 2008 fund. This is likely just poor website navigation, not a nefarious plot to divert funds. But the confusion also may indicate that the party is hyper focused on how Gustav might help their cause.

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