On Good Morning America, Joe the Plumber said that it was unfair for someone to have to pay more just because they make more. He called it “socialist,” as do many conservatives. John McCain objected to this spreading the wealth around as being “class warfare.” How did this socialist germ — the idea that wealthier…

Bob Schieffer: All right. Let’s stop there and go to another question. And this one goes to Sen. McCain. Sen. McCain, you believe Roe v. Wade should be overturned. Sen. Obama, you believe it shouldn’t. Could either of you ever nominate someone to the Supreme Court who disagrees with you on this issue? Sen. McCain?…

This was Obama’s worst performance overall but I thought one of his strongest moments was when the discussion, at long last, came to a “values” issue — abortion.The key point to remember is that in a debate like this, at this late date in a campaign, the political goal is to position oneself as sensible…

The relentless focus on the economy during the debates has been appropriate. But with this being the last debate I do hope they’ll spend at least a few moments on non-economic questions. Here are a few values-oriented questions I’d ask: Sen. McCain you’ve said you oppose Roe v. Wade because you’re pro-life and you think…

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