It seemed like 2004 was a high water mark for evangelical influence. They loved President Bush and helped sweep him into victory. Well guess what: evangelicals made up an even bigger part of the McCain vote than the Bush vote. Born again Christians or evangelicals made up 36% of Bush vote and, by my count,…

The new Beliefnet survey offers some fascinating insight into how voters are looking at abortion. In the Beliefnet survey, about 20% of overall Obama voters and 35% of the most religious Obama voters (those who attend church weekly or more) were pro-life. If national results track Beliefnet users — we’ll have to wait for some…

Before he deals with the economy, President-Elect Obama will have to deal with a much more politically delicate quesiton: what type of puppy should he get? He promised his girls a puppy if they moved to the White House but at his first post-election press conference, he noted that one of his girls is allergic.…

Beliefnet has just released a fascinating survey of 4,400 of its users.  It’s not a random sample but the size of the group enabled us to do some fascinating slicing and dicing — in particular getting a glimpse at the differences between Obama’s most religious voters and the McCain religious voters. Here are a few…

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