Amy Sullivan, National Correspondent for Time Magazine, says that during the election season pro-Obama religious liberals felt “thrown under a bus” by the Obama campaign.
Many had gone out on a limb to say Obama favored abortion reduction. But the campaign then went into a minor panic after Sarah Palin’s selection, fearing she would help attract independent women to the Republicans. So Democrats began running ads emphasizing traditional support for abortion rights sans abortion reduction. This infuriated pro-life Obama supporters who had gone out on a limb.
Subsequently, Obama and Joe Biden talked more about abortion reduction. But in an interview we did for Trinity Wall Street, Sullivan — the nation’s foremost expert on the religious left — argues, that Obama will have a difficult time retaining the trust of pro-life Obama voters, while still satisfying his pro-choice supporters.
Sullivan also discussed how Obama’s desire to expand the faith-based initiative thrilled some supporters but made others quite anxious.

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