Folks on the religious left have long argued that a budget is a “moral document.” It reflects powerful value judgments about priorities and national commitments. Given the massive changes in President Barack Obama’s spending plan — shifting resources from the rich to the poor and middle — one might have expected someone like Obama to…

Oh dear. The head of the Republican Naitonal Committee, Michael Steele, appears to support a woman’s right to choose on abortion: In an interview witrh GQ, he says: Steele: The choice issue cuts two ways. You can choose life or you can choose abortion. You know, my mother chose life. So, you know, I think…

The Wall Street Journal excerpts a new book revealing that, based on recently released White House records, Ronald Reagan tried to convert Soviety leader Michael Gorbachev. In a private meeting, Reagan praised Gorbachev for providing more religious freedom and urged him to go further. Then, according to notes taken by two aides: The president said…

The big American Religious Identification Survey that came out yesterday reported that 12% of the population believe in a higher power but not a personal God. So there are more Deists than Jews, Muslims, Hindus or Buddhists combined. Would the Founding Fathers have been in that 12%? That’s a common question I got during my…

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