A prayer circle from Christy Long:
Please Pray for us…Like most today I have lost my job and we are struggling
We were married on 3/28/2009 and I was laid off 3/31/2009..We have three children. My husband works but my income is what paid our household bills…We are now about to loose lights and water and our house payment is due in 3 day’s..
We are doing a lease option and cannot be late and now that I’ve lost my job I don’t know how we will ever be able to purchase our home…
I am so worried and cry so much I get sick…
I am trying sooo hard to give this to the LORD and let him work it out, but I find myself trying to take it back…We just recently rededicated our lives and I know GOD will fix this and provide for us….
Please Pray for my family and all those that are in the same situation…
Offer her your prayers here.

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