I’ve written in the past of my frustration that health care advocates — both policymakers, religious lefties and spinmeisters — aren’t focusing sufficiently on the pre-existing condition problem as one of the central outrages of the modern health care system.
A few reminders from readers:
JB Chicago
One of my closest friends has a pre-existing condition and has lost her health insurance. In Georgia she can’t find any insurance at any cost, so there is no “uninsured choice” here. Because she has assets she isn’t eligible for poverty-level government options….This is truly an immoral situation for the richest country on earth.

am self-employed and uninsured. One reason I’m uninsured is the dreaded pre-existing condition thing. I looked into buying health insurance but everything I’ve looked at will run about $600/month AND won’t cover the two conditions for which I take meds… and the meds are expensive…. Since I have to pay full pop for the meds with OR without insurance, I’ve “chosen” to go bare. Sort of a Hobson’s choice, really.

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