Steven Waldman

Having challenged pro-lifers with this ethical riddle, I’d like to now hear from pro-choicers on a particular aspect of the moral dilemma. Let’s assume that abortion is fully legal, right up until the point of birth. Would you feel morally comfortable aborting the fetus one day before the birth date? Under what circumstances? And if…

Kansas State University researchers have mapped the concentration of different sin “hot spots.” Note how lust, pride and wrath are concentrated in the south, while greed seems strangely focused in the Northeast and California. As for gluttony, it appears to be focused in three states. Can you guess which? Click here for all seven maps.

Responding to the Safe, Legal, Early essay, Albert the Abstainer, in the comments box, offers this interesting challenge to pro-lifers: Consider the following ethical question: You are running out of a burning hospital and can run into the fertility clinic to save a liquid nitrogen container holding 500 zygotes, or into the natal unit and…

Andrew Sullivan powerful post on why support for torture seems to correlate with the intensity of one’s Christian faith. The more devout you are, the more likely you are to support torture. Brilliantly, Sullivan illustrates the post with a trailer from the Passion of the Christ, the world’s most famous torture victim. This survey result…

Though it’s crucial for the country to get our hands around the fact that the government authorized simulated drowning (waterboarding), I’m puzzled by the emphasis. One hundred detainees have experienced death of the non-simulated variety, including 27 who have already been classified as homocides by the military. Why isn’t this as much the focus of…

We’ve had much discussion lately about the “decline and fall of Christian America,” as the Newsweek cover story put it. That article was based on a survey showing the percentage of Americans calling themselves Christian dropped from 86% in 1990 to 76% earlier this year while the percent saying they had no affiliation jumped from…

A prayer circle from Christy Long: Please Pray for us…Like most today I have lost my job and we are struggling We were married on 3/28/2009 and I was laid off 3/31/2009..We have three children. My husband works but my income is what paid our household bills…We are now about to loose lights and water…

Several commenters have suggested that my “safe, legal & early” argument is the same as Roe v. Wade. freelunch writes: “Steve has discovered the decisions in Roe v. Wade. It is the law of the land already. I don’t know if Steve is being silly in some way or really had no idea what our…

Over at Crunchy Con, Alan sarcastically summarizes the argument in my big “safe, legal, early” piece: “For decades, the argument has focused on whether we should be killing babies. This is a mistake. Instead, we should be asking ourselves: can we kill babies faster?” Note the premise: any life in the womb is a “baby.”…

A prayer circle for Pammy Adamski: “Her cornea transplants are not taking and she may go blind. Her doctor is sealing up her tear ducts in hopes that this will save her sight, but so far, this is not helping. She must continue to work and cannot afford time off. ” Comment on her prayer…

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