Steven Waldman

In a press conference in Turkey, President Obama said, “One of the great strengths of the United States is … we have a very large Christian population — we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by…

M Ranil writes: “A very devout christian who is loosing his will to fight a condition of jobloss Dear Believers – I too had been a very devout believer like all of you in the past. However, for the past 6 months I have been praying to God to help me secure suitable employment and…

Levi Johnston told Tyra Banks that he stayed over at the Palin house, in the same room, and that he suspects the Governor knew the teens were having sex. As I recall, my parents had a “not under our roof” rule — or maybe it was a “no closed doors” rule. Many of our friends…

When George W. Bush was running for President, Christians hoped that having a devout man in the White House would lead to more a more moral government.. But Bush wasn’t the most interesting test of the theory. Though his faith was important to him, it never had nearly the depth of another member of the…

For those collecting examples of amusing or interesting uses of the Obama-esque rhetoric, here’s one we saw in Manhattan this Sunday. This is a picture of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, the Lubavitch leader who, according to some of his followers, is the Messiah. This signs suggests improving the world to welcome him back.

Pray for Richard Harvey 04/03/2009 “My husband needs prayer for a set back he is having with his health after having a Liver Transplant 4 years ago.” Pray for Bill D. 04/02/2009 “Please pray for my friend Bill. He is a diabetic who took a very bad turn with a staph infection after a recent…

Conservative pro-life radio show hosts ambush Ann Coulter for supporting Mitt Romney. He is viewed by some religious conservatives as too pro-choice, to pro-gay and too, well, Mormon. She gets quite emotional about the “anti-Romney fanatics.”

From a pro-life blog called “Stand for Life: “For the last five years Focus on the Family has had the program Option Ultrasound, where they have provided over 400 grants for ultrasound machines and training at pregnancy clinics in 49 states. These machines cost from $21,000 to $33,000, plus several thousands in training costs. They…

From today’s Nick Kristof column: “According to World Bank estimates, the global economic crisis will cause an additional 22 children to die per hour, throughout all of 2009. And that’s the best-case scenario. The World Bank says it’s possible the toll will be twice that: an additional 400,000 child deaths, or an extra child dying…

I find this smelling meditation to be really helpful.

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