Steven Waldman

I’d like to proof-text a portion of James Dobson’s essay responding to Kathleen Parker’s criticism of religious conservatives, whom she referred to as the ooogedy-boogedies. “Good thing, then, we don’t need an embossed note from Ms. Parker — or anyone else — to take part in the political dialogue — of either party.” –Parker didn’t…

I missed this Onion piece during the campaign. Hysterical: “People of South Carolina, people of the world, this is our time, this is our moment,” Obama said before 72,000 supporters at the University of South Carolina’s Williams-Brice Stadium. “That is, unless you live in apartment 3L at 1254 Holden St., you watched Money Train on…

William Gibson went to Iraq as a Marine. Got his leg blown off. Went back to Iraq for another tour of duty, making him the first full-limb amputee to return to active duty. Watch and be inspired. And vote for your Most Inspiring Person.

At the request of Congress, George Washington issued two Thanksgiving proclamations. Those concerned about public officials invoking God in official settings may find Washington’s proclamation to be a bit jarring. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison did. They believed that proclamations from Washington and Adams violated the First Amendment since it was, in effect, the President…

In a Thanksgiving proclamation, issued March 23, 1798, President John Adams asked for “His infinite grace, through the Redeemer of the World, freely to remit all our offenses, and to incline us by His Holy Spirit to that sincere repentance and reformation.” Adams’ Thanksgiving proclamation enlisted the Almighty not only the cosmic struggles but the…

I know I shouldn’t choose amongst the many great features on Beliefnet but whenever I’m personally feeling down, this is the spot on Beliefnet I visit: the Gratitude Circle started by member DariaMcB in September 2000 — and is still going strong. As a Thanksgiving ritual, read what other people are grateful for. It will…

UPDATE: A court found Lori Drew guilty of three misdemeanor counts in the MySpace suicide case. But I hope that in focusing on the legal issues, we don’t lose sight of the blood-curdling ethical aspects. Consider this account about the trial on Ashley Grills [a former employee of Lori Drew, who was given immunity…

Instant classic. Feist depicts the angel responding to the prayers of Stephen Colbert, on his Christmas special. Perfect casting:Due to increased prayer amounts,Seraphim will have delaysServicing thy prayer accountsFor the next 5 million days The Colbert ReportMon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c A Colbert Christmas: Feist Sings Ron Paul InterviewBob Barr Interview Green ScreenBill O’Reilly…

Conservative George Weigel at the Ethics and Public Policy Institute writes: This year, the pro-abortion candidate carried every state in what Maggie Gallagher calls the “Decadent Catholic Corridor” — the Northeast and the older parts of the Midwest. Too many Catholics there are still voting the way their grandparents did, and because that’s what their…

Will Saletan at Slate probes the mind-boggling possibility that scientists can recreate a Neanderthal. He suggests that scientists might be able to get around the central ethical questions — is it ok to clone a human? — by re-creating the Neanderthal primarily through manipulation of chimp DNA. That would make the creation an ape rather…

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