Steven Waldman

My wife was in Ann Taylor the other day and swears that the mirrors distorted her reflection to look thinner. So when women look at themselves, they think to themselves, “wow! These close make me look thinner!”

Another stunning and wise posts on my piece about the death of Joe Biden’s wife and baby daughter. This is from AnotherBeliever: I am not a parent, so God knows I did not face that level of pain. But I, too, traveled some dark roads this year. I had to spend fourteen months in Iraq,…

One of the points in my controversial abortion opus that’s generated the most discussion is the quesiton of whether birth control leads to fewer abortions. If it does, pro-life forces would need to re-assess their resistence to birth control. A new data point to consider. Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times reports that the…

Rabbi David Wolpe, author of Why Faith Matters, makes an excellent point about Religulous: Perhaps Maher’s greatest misunderstanding of religion is his central indictment: that religion is responsible for the world’s violence. It is not. Violence is a product of human nature. Before monotheism, the Assyrians were not kind; the Romans were bloodthirsty beyond the…

Speaking of Faith’s Krista Tippett has two fascinating interviews with friends of Beliefnet. Amy Sullivan is one of the most insightful writers from the “religious left” Rod Dreher, whom Beliefnet readers know as Crunchy Con, showed himself to be his usual independent, thought-provoking self. Bravo to Tippett for picking two people who both represent “their…

Fascinating piece at about whether offering Yoga in public schools violate the separation of church and state. There’s a strong case that it does.

The official synopsis for Religulous says that Bill Maher “applies his characteristic honesty” to the subject of faith. Apparently, he has a somewhat selective definition of honesty. I’ve noted the sleights of hand used with Francis Collins and John Adams. Consider, too, what they did to the Creation Museum near Cincinnati. Now, in a documentary…

This is amazing. Two new surveys show that younger evangelicals are cooler to Democrats than older evangelicals. This runs directly contrary to the Obama campaigns message that he would rack up evangelical votes amongst the youngins. According to the Religion and Ethics Newsweekly and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research Inc. poll released a couple of weeks…

A few years ago it looked like opposition to gay marriage was going to equal or surpass abortion as the ultimate wedge issue – a device capable of defeating Democrats in all but the most-liberal districts. And yet consider this: -The topic didn’t come up in Tuesday’s debate -There’s not been a single McCain-Palin ad…

John McCain was begging for debates in the town hall format. But I’m taking the minority position that it actually hurt him. When he padded around the platform, he looked like an old man, late at night, looking for the refrigerator. It’s not exactly that he looked tired. It’s that his gait seemed that of…

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