Steven Waldman

Way back on August 13, when Joseph Biden was pretty low down on the VP list I predicted he would get the nod – largely because his foreign policy expertise (much commented upon) was supplemented by some lesser-known faith-factor attributes (he’s an abortion centrist). Now that Biden has become the frontrunner, my impulse for the…

In reviewing John McCain’s statements on abortion, it strikes me: we dont actually know what his position is. How is that possible? He’s stated very clearly that he’s pro-life. “I will be a pro-life president. And this presidency will have pro-life policies.” But what does that mean? In the past he’s said he supported a…

That’s one for the Top Ten Headlines You Don’t Want During A Presidential Campaign.

Rabbi Hirschfeld explains

Oh if only the abortion debate could be carried out with the civility of two posters in our comment box. Both Denny and Michael make excellent points (on opposite sides) related to my long post about the behind-the-scenes negotiations over the Democratic Party abortion plank: Denny: In the Democratic Platform it says “In the platform…

Below the fold is a detailed account, adapted from my Wall Street Journal Online column, of the behind-the-scenes struggle over the abortion plank of the Democratic Party. The executive summary: The Obama forces engineered an interesting and potentially important compromise. It moved the platform in the pro-choice direction on a few things in order to…

Video and transcript of John McCain’s appearance at the Saddleback Presidential candidate forum: Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 TRANSCRIPT RICK WARREN, PASTOR, SADDLEBACK CHURCH: Welcome back to the “Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency.”And welcome, Senator John McCain.SEN. JOHN MCCAIN, (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Thank you. Good to be here.WARREN: My first question, was the…

For those of you who missed it, here’s Obama at the Saddleback Forum with Rick Warren: Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Transcript So let’s get started. And will you welcome Senator Barack Obama.Thank you. Good to see you.SEN BARACK OBAMA (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Good to see you.WARREN: Thank you for being here.OBAMA: Thank you.…

Andrew Sullivan is offering a detailed account of how similar the McCain story is to that offered by Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsen and then later popularized by Christian leaders Chuck Colson and Billy Graham. Sullivan also points out other suspicious changes: The story changed from the guard using a sandal to the guard using a…

As I wrote yesterday right after the Saddleback forum, McCain was spectacular. He only really has one riff on his personal faith (the cross in the sand), but it’s a damn good one and we have to remember that most people haven’t heard the story yet. (He needs to be careful on one point: he…

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