Steven Waldman

You know how John McCain has been struggling all year to live down his comment from 2000 that leaders of the “religious right” were “agents of intolerance”? In my mind, I sort of imagined that as a “gaffe,” a quick accidential one liner that slipped out in the heat of battle. But I recently came…

My book goes on sale Tuesday! Here’s what’s going on to celebrate and self-promote: On this blog, I’m going to lay out some of the most controversial of the ideas and also the Top Ten Founding Fathers Quotes on Religion. Monday night we launch the Founding Faith Archive, an interactive collection of the most riveting…

Those of you who got sneak-peek copies of my book, Founding Faith, may have seen the note on the inside cover that Beliefnet will be hosting an exciting area collecting the most interesting and important writings from the Founding Fathers about religion. ( In case you’re wondering where it is, it’s coming soon. (The book…

Two posts in the comment box capture what I was talking about in my item about Romney and evangelicals: “You are right, Evengelicals (which I am) would vote for a non-Evangelical Christian. Remember Ronald Reagan? “But when it comes to a heretical and thoroughly false religion attempting to pass itself off as part of the…

Some might think that Romney lost evangelicals because he wasn’t Christian enough. I think it’s the other way around. He acted too Christian. Romney believed that to win the nomination he had to win over evangelical Christians. He figured the way to do that was to get all Jesusy. So he declared, “I believe that…

Did Romney lose many votes because he’s a Mormon? Here’s a data point: the online survey Beliefnet did a couple of weeks ago asked evangelicals whether the religious beliefs of any candidate would make them more or less likely to vote for a particular candidate. 32% of evangelicals said Romney’s religious beliefs would make them…

I’ve been reading various conservative blog posts on whether Huckabee cost Romney the nomination. Why isn’t the question posed the other way around? Why aren’t conservative anti-McCainiacs complaining that Romney cost Huckabee the nomination? Based on market performance, Huckabee is clearly the better candidate. Having spent a fraction of the money, he’s won almost as…

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