Angela George/ Wikimedia Commons

Love was in the air as Steve Harvey shared a heartfelt love note to his wife, Marjorie, an article Good Housekeeping. The couple celebrated 15 years of marriage on June 25th but had met decades earlier in 1987. Marjorie had walked in late during a standup set that Harvey was performing in Memphis. “I don’t know who you are, but I’m going to marry you,” the star recalled saying to her from the stage. However, the pair didn’t make their love connection at that time. 

In his letter, Harvey detailed that soon after meeting her, his life went on a downward spiral of homelessness and trouble. In 2005 when a mutual friend reconnected the two, Harvey wrote, “I finally had somebody I could start over with. You were willing to get in that foxhole with me and grow with me.” The two dated a year before becoming engaged and then marrying on June 25, 2007.

Harvey went on in his letter to describe the “peace” Marjorie had given him and how the way she believed in him had helped his career be where it is. Harvey then ended his letter with a note of gratitude:

“I want to thank you, because without you there is no way my life could be this. I owe you a debt of gratitude because you simply changed my life. If people get tired of hearing me say that, that’s OK. It doesn’t change the facts. You are the single biggest reason outside of God’s grace that I am where I am today. You’re the one. I feel like if I lost everything, you’d stay with me and we’d build it up again. As a matter of fact, I know you would.”

Harvey has previously spoken about how his wife has improved his life and has connected that to his reconnection with God. In a HuffPo Live interview in 2015, Harvey said, “[Marjorie] taught me a lot about myself. And then I found the inner joy and peace in myself and then changed my relationship with my creator. I started talking to him more often. I figured he probably knew more about where I ought to go than I did. He started showing me some stuff, and she started showing me stuff.” Seeing Harvey’s note of love and appreciation, it’s clear to see that both Marjorie and God continue showing him “stuff.”

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