Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com


“Dancing with the Stars” season 31 is underway and contestant Jessie James Decker has taken the time to gush about her husband, Eric Decker, and how they make their marriage work despite the busyness of “DWTS,” a music career, three children, and being an author. Jessie, 34, met Eric, 35, after a mutual friend sent a picture of Jessie to him. At the time, Eric was playing for the Denver Broncos and ended up texting her. The two began dating in 2011. They married in 2013 and the docuseries “Eric & Jessie” documented the couple’s plans for their nuptials. Since they married in 2013, they have had three children: Vivianne, Eric Jr., and Forrest.

In an interview on the “PEOPLE Every Day Podcast,” Jessie talked about the strong foundation that keeps their marriage working. “We just love each other,” she said. “We’re happy. We’re in love. And we are used to being busy bodies and we’re there for each other. And I’m just very, I just am blessed to have [him as] my partner in this life.” Eric has shown his support for his wife during her stint on “DWTS” by being present at practices and bringing their son, Forrest, to watch her perform during the show’s Elvis night. “My son is the biggest Elvis in the world … of course, he chose the song that we’re dancing to,” Jessie told the podcast prior to the show. After Elvis night, Jessie shared a picture of herself and Eric passionately kissing on the set. She captioned the image saying, “Thanks to my sweet man love of my life for flying with our little Elvis to support me tonight. I’m a lucky girl.” The couple have credited parenthood as another source of their strong bond. In 2019, Eric told “Us,” “The fact that she became the mother of my children … just that appreciation and that really deep love, you know, for what she’s gone through and the mother she is … our relationship has grown a lot deeper in that sense. So, honestly I love her … and our relationship just keeps blossoming and just keeps getting deeper as we get older.”

In speaking with Fox News Digital, Jessie praised Eric’s support for her on “DWTS.” “Eric has literally been my rock through this entire process so far. He even stopped by dance rehearsals [Wednesday], and I was hard on myself because I wasn’t getting it. And him just walking in and just giving me a hug is everything. He’s my person, and he is my rock.” She also stated that participating in “DWTS” is a sort of “therapy” for her, after revealing her struggles with depression in June. “I have a very blessed life with healthy children and an incredible loving rock of a husband. But I have definitely struggled these past couple years. My anxiety has gotten worse, my self-esteem, my confidence,” she wrote in her post. Reflecting on her struggles with Fox News Digital she said, “This has been a part of my therapy journey to just push myself to do something that scares me and dance in front of millions and millions of people doing something I’ve never done before.” Despite her nerves, she stated she is determined to push herself. “But I feel like I just have a new outlook on being in this entertainment business of going, ‘You know what, I’m in it, and I’m going to push myself, and I’m not going to be scared anymore, and I’m going to be strong, and I’m going to have that attitude every day. And I just – I feel better every day for it.”

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