Former “Spy Kids” star Alexa PenaVega and her husband, Carlos, are revealing how they have balanced their faith and careers. In a recent interview with Fox News Digital, Alexa revealed that Carlos struggled with jealousy early in their marriage when she was filming love scenes. “So, years ago, Carlos would get a little jealous, but I think the more confident and comfortable, and honestly the closer we got to God, the more our roles started shifting with what we were taking,” she said. “But, also, I think there’s just so much trust in our relationship that there was never a need to be, like, threatened by anybody else.” Carlos did add, however, the need for “healthy boundaries.”
Their faith has impacted the kind of roles and collaborations they’ve taken on, including a recent partnership with the Great American Family Network. Carlos said he was grateful knowing that the scenes his wife would be shooting on the network would be “safe.” “That’s what I love so much about Great American Family. If she’s not doing a movie with me, I know that whatever she’s doing, whoever she’s with, it’s safe. And it’s all going to be good. So, for us, this is such a great home for us.” The couple recently produced their first movie together through GAF, with the two appearing as romantic love interests in the upcoming film.
Their Christian faith, while drawing them towards more wholesome movies, has not limited them to just seeking Christian movie roles. “So, we’re in this half-and-half place. We think faith-based films are really important, but I think, more importantly, are movies that are for the world, but they’re made by kingdom-hearted people because we don’t want to just make Christian movies,” said Alexa. She said she wants to be in films that still show the real world but share a positivity that comes from “a kingdom heart.” “I think it’s really easy for Christian films to come across as cheesy, a cookie cutter, when, honestly, the Christian life is hard. Life can be ugly, but there’s a way out, and let’s show the world that,” she said.
The couple is speaking from experience, having recently lost their fourth child, Indy, due to a stillbirth. “There are never the right words to say when it comes to loss. After a beautiful and peaceful delivery our daughter ‘Indy’ was born at rest. It has been a painful journey. But in the pain we have found peace. God continues to comfort and hold us in his arms,” the couple shared on social media at the time.