Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com

Valerie Bertinelli, who recently began a new role on “The Drew Barrymore Show” as a lifestyle expert, is navigating her feelings about marriage and shame after two divorces. While discussing the possibility of remarrying on the show’s Drew’s News segment, Bertinelli shared her thoughts following a conversation about Kaley Cuoco’s engagement to Tom Pelphrey.

Both Bertinelli and Barrymore, who have experienced their own challenges in relationships, delved into the topic of divorce and its emotional aftermath. Barrymore’s comment, “When you get a divorce, it’s so shameful,” struck a chord with Bertinelli. She admitted that the fear of shame is a significant deterrent for her when considering another marriage. However, she acknowledged that love might change that perspective, saying, “If you’re in love…Good for her,” regarding Cuoco’s engagement. She also added, “If I’ve learned anything at this age, it’s never say never.”

Bertinelli opened up about the deep-seated shame she has felt from her divorces, first from Eddie Van Halen, with whom she separated in 2001 after marrying in 1981, and officially divorced in 2007. Her second marriage to Tom Vitale ended in 2021, with the divorce finalized a year later. She reflected, “I’ve been married twice and that shame thing … that slapped me in the face.”

She emphasized the importance of releasing shame to find self-worth and beauty, stating, “I think the key to feeling beautiful and feeling like you’re worthy and feeling like you are enough is to release a lot of that shame.” Bertinelli also distinguished between constructive and destructive shame, noting that the latter leads to self-loathing.

In her journey of self-discovery and healing, Bertinelli is focusing on doing what feels right for her, as long as it harms no one. She encouraged others to do the same: “Do what you wanna do. Do what feels good … As long as you’re not hurting anybody, do what you want to do.”

Currently, Bertinelli is dating writer Mike Goodnough, embracing her own advice as she navigates her personal life.

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