Stronger Marriages
I’ve sat with far too many women and men heartbroken by marital infidelity. They wonder what signs they missed, what they could have done differently, what anyone could possibly do to prevent such a thing. Should they have noticed their husbands laughing more brightly than usual at someone else’s joke? Should they have spoken up…

Grocery store shelves are wiped out, sports seasons are being postponed, and social distancing practices are being advised in the midst of global efforts to contain the coronavirus pandemic. While some people are on high alert about the virus, others are looking for ways to make light of the situation by taking advantage of cheap…

A Mt Juliet couple died in a deadly storm that swept through their town early Tuesday morning. The couple was found side by side on a mattress that had been thrown from their bed. James and Donna Eaton had been married for 58 years and the couple was a beacon of light in their community. …

If you heard that a couple was sleeping in separate bedrooms, you would probably think that there was a bigger issue or serious trouble in their relationship. You may wonder if they’re having issues with communication or intimacy. While we traditionally associate leaving the bedroom with a more serious relationship problem, this may not be…

Valentine’s Day is a time where we celebrate love. We give our partner’s gifts and show them affection because we want to show them how special they are to us. As the holiday approaches, you may be thinking about the status of your marriage. While this is a day where we revel in all the…

Are these sites revolutionizing parenting or problematic to parenting?   There are a host of new co-parenting sites that allow potential co-parents to skip love and marriage and get straight to the point – parenting together. Modamily is one of those sites – the name is a mash-up of “modern” and “family.” These websites are…

Pope Francis is telling families they should spend less time on their smart phones and more time communicating at mealtime. The pope uses Mary and Joseph as examples. “I ask myself if you, in your family, know how to communicate or are you like those kids at mealtables where everyone is chatting on their mobile…

At 25, Jillian Hanson was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer. Knowing she would face a battle ahead, Hanson gave Allegretti an “out” of their relationship in July 2017. “I brought it to the table and told him this was going to be a lot,” she said. “But he told me that he would never…

When you throw a leaf into a stream of water, what happens?  The leaf will drift with the flow of the current.  Our marriages and families are no different.  Every marriage and family relationship has a flow.  The current flow or direction of your family is either moving closer toward God and each other, or…

Nice guys can finish first. A new Michigan State University Study published in the Journal of Research and Personality found that being a nice and pleasant partner is a more important factor than compatibility. What the researchers found most surprising was that things like shared interests and similar personalities had very little to do with…

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