Stronger Marriages

Is technology interference destroying your relationship? Phones may be negatively impacting your romantic relationships, in addition to your sex life. One of the big ways they are hurting relationships is by impacting couples’ communication patterns. We live in an age where conversations have been replaced with endless scrolling through social media apps and sites. As…

The sad reality is raising a family in big, urban areas just isn’t affordable. Statistics show that millennials are having less kids. The idea of not having children can be devastating; especially after realizing you can’t reach the same standard of living their parents achieved. From the rising cost in living to higher student loan debt,…

Could marriage lower dementia risk? A Michigan State University study found that married people may be less likely to develop dementia as they age. The research also suggests that divorcees are more likely to develop dementia compared to those who are widowed, cohabiters or did not marry at all. Another interesting find? Divorced men have…

Late last week, Justin Bieber took to Instagram to share a powerful testimony about the power of both God’s love and love in his marriage. The superstar singer has been known to have some dark moments on his road from childhood star to husband. He opened his post with an honest admission that he suffered…

To those seeking a lasting, loving marriage – consider getting more involved in your religion. A new report, which was created in a joint project between the Institute for Family Studies and the Wheatly Institution, found that the recipe for a happier marriage could be found in faith. The study’s authors looked at over 5,000…

Faith-based marriage enrichment program Worldwide Marriage Encounter recently announced the 2019 longest married couple winners. WME selected DW and Willie Williams of North Carolina who married August 17, 1937 in Newberry, South Carolina. They will celebrate their 82nd anniversary this year. “We are truly honored and privileged to recognize the Williams’ for their long marriage,”…

Every Sunday, our family takes some time to have fun and relax. We call it Sunday Funday. This could be something as extravagant as staying in a hotel over the weekend and splurging on an adventure or something as simple as having a BBQ full of music, laughter, and great food. This past Sunday, we…

It’s commonly believed that men think about sex every seven seconds but a new study now says this is just a myth. Men are more likely to have football on their minds than sex. The survey by Illicit Encounters showed that 64 percent of men think about football more than sex. Eight percent of those…

Have you spent time online dating or IRL dating recently? If so, you have no doubt encountered people saying/typing/texting that they are exclusively looking for “friends with benefits.” I can’t count how many Tindr and OkCupid bios I have swiped past that included something along the lines of: “I don’t want a relationship right now,…

Despite there being a small army of dating websites and apps, finding a happily ever after is not easy these days. In fact, more than half of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34, prime dating age, do not have a romantic partner according to the General Social Survey. This is a record high.…

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