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Stuff Christian Culture Likes
Stuff Christian Culture Likes
#112 CHRISTmas instead of Xmas
Stephanie Drury
Pro-CHRISTmas campaigners dislike the use of Xmas in lieu of Christmas. Although X has been used for centuries as a sanctioned abbreviation for ??????? (Greek for Christ), Christian culture has a sneaking suspicion this is really a calculated method to nudge Christ out of his own holiday.
#111 Oral Roberts
Stephanie Drury
At least Oral Roberts university is still going strong, and with it the delicious irony of earnest Christian parents sending their children to a college with "oral" in its name.
#110 Saying “God is moving”
Stephanie Drury
This is a popular saying with hazy meaning. Taken literally you might think God has abandoned his ancestral seat and is swanning about, but you infer from the context that can't be what they mean.
#109 Keeping Christ in Christmas
Stephanie Drury
Christian culture is alarmed by all things politically correct. God forbid you say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas.
#108 Relevant interpretation of the dress suit
Stephanie Drury
Pastors who want to appear relevant dress with formulaic precision. They don't want to be like the PC guy, they want to be like the Mac guy.
#107 Overcompensating
Stephanie Drury
Christian pastors want to be relevant and cool. Relevant, missional, emergent church plant pastors who are Acts 29 do this.
#106 Overshare via prayer request
Stephanie Drury
Overshare via prayer request is the nauseating cousin of gossip via prayer request. Some people do not hold back. Since they’re in their community of brethren they feel free to get detailed. “Shannon couldn’t make it to small group tonight, she’s got diarrhea on top of that chronic yeast infection so keep her in your…
#105 Wondering what atheists do on Thanksgiving
Stephanie Drury
Atheists don’t get much clemency from Christian culture. They are generally thought to be misguided and inclined to despair. While Christians are busy thanking God on Thanksgiving they have been known to wonder aloud how atheists could possibly celebrate this holiday with no one to thank. It may not occur to them that on Thanksgiving…
#104 Saying “just” a lot while praying out loud
Stephanie Drury
When called upon to pray aloud in a group, an evangelical automatically says “just” a few dozen times during the course of the prayer. This doesn’t happen when other flavors of Christians such as Catholics or Episcopalians pray, but an evangelical cannot help it. “We just come before you today, Father God, and just ask…
#103 Guiltily watching Oprah
Stephanie Drury
Christian women are on the fence about Oprah. Her touting of “The Secret” with its new age agenda rubs them entirely the wrong way. They also don’t appreciate her cohabitating with Stedman, her angling towards gay acceptance, suggesting there could be many paths to God, and especially not the part she played in electing Obama.…
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