Stuff Christian Culture Likes

In early Christianity they had to be sneaky. People drew Jesus fish to symbolize they were Christians because saying so was rather dangerous in ancient Rome. Today the rate of savage religious persecution in north America is at an all-time low, while the Jesus fish enjoys ubiquity on car bumpers. The question is, why? Do…

Christians aren’t the only people who say this, but they make up 93% of the people who do. The remaining 7% are some rogue non-Christians who are unabashed corndogs. In a Christian’s blog profile it’s categorically impossible for the spouse-as-best-friend declaration to be made without also stating that they love God most of all. Married…

The chances that vestal sexytimes will be mentioned during the wedding ceremony are pretty high among Baptists and non-denominational evangelicals.

With Barack Obama as president, Christian culture is certain the end times are upon us.

By and large, people in Christian culture also support the war in Iraq. The considerable loss of innocent life during war doesn't seem to strike them as any sort of inconsistency.

"It's a God thing" is a phrase frequently spoken in Christian culture. It is always said in response to something good that has happened.

When your church building is the size of Old Navy, how else are you supposed to see what's going on down front?

There comes a time in every young evangelical's life when he must roll up his sleeves, raise the black flag, and commence destroying his secular music.

Christian culture is historically known for leaving a gospel tract when they tip in restaurants. Oftentimes they leave a tract along with actual money, but in severe cases they'll leave only the tract.

Every so often the worship team likes to go barefoot onstage.

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