Stuff Christian Culture Likes

People in Christian culture like to say "I challenge you to," followed by a verb. The verb is often "invite." The direct object is often "someone."

Churches are excited about Twitter. It’s what the kids are doing these days, so many churches have launched campaigns encouraging people to tweet during services. This might be the new version of being allowed to pass notes during class, except your device carries more status. iPhone? Niiiice! Basic Nokia piece of crap that was free…

When a Christian emails another Christian, they are likely to use a signoff that acknowledges the Lord. If a secular signoff is “Sincerely” or “Best,” a spiritual signoff is “In Christ” or “Blessings.” It can also present itself in the following varieties: In Him,Your servant in Christ,Complete in Him,In His Service,Covered in the blood,In His…

Worship leaders want to break it down for a minute. After some rousing worship anthems, it’s time to get serious. This is when they’ll play the first chords of something evocative (like “As The Deer” or “Softly and Tenderly”) and they’ll say, “I want everyone to really think about the words to this next song.“…

They were once only worn by McDonald's drive-thru workers, infomercial hosts and Janet Jackson, but now microphone headsets are becoming a standard fixture during sermons at non-denominational churches.

At the end of any sort of talk given where Christians are known to be present, the speaker will say "Let's close in prayer." They cannot help themselves.

Christian women adore Beth Moore. At this moment 91% of them are either in the middle of a Beth Moore Bible study or about to start another Beth Moore Bible study.

Christian culture isn't exactly known for having good style but bless their hearts, they sure try.

Backrub chains appear frequently at youth groups and bible camps. Whenever pubescent* Christians of mixed gender are gathered to study the Bible or worship, the likelihood that a backrub chain will form is increased tenfold.

Christian culture just can't stand Nancy Pelosi. She makes 'em all want to spit nails.

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