Stuff Christian Culture Likes

Christian culture enjoys a catchy quip on a t-shirt or bumper sticker. These quips are intended to provoke and possibly shame their reader.

You never meet a Christian culture couple who says they don't want to have any kids. This does not occur in nature.

Christian culture members by and large identify themselves as Republicans. The importance of doing this seems to be on par with believing Jesus died on the cross for your sins.

Churches need to attract people. They need to be cool. It seems they think the message of Christ's grace is not enough on its own, it must be accompanied by worship music played to tracks, preachers who offer sermon series such as "The Pathway of Peace", and services that last 58 minutes. (Other words in…

Christians took to this drum as starved dogs to a meat wagon. With this, set-up volunteers who do not have a musical bone in their body are given a chance to contribute to the band because, come on, how hard can it be to hit a drum?

It is not entirely clear why smoking is so taboo in Christian culture. On one hand, Christians hold the belief that your body is the temple of God and you should not defile the temple with something unhealthy. On the other hand, Christian culture members are not known for their cardiovascular fitness.

Christians love an allegory. First Neo tells the agents he won't bring Morpheus to them. Then Morpheus says the rules of the matrix can be bent and broken but there are consequences. Remind you of anything?

When praying out loud before eating in a group, members of Christian culture can’t help but to say this. They just can’t help it.

Christian culture is adamant that America is a Christian nation. The Constitution only mentions God and not Christ, but Christian culture very much wants our country to be Christian also.

This is the complete inverse of waiting to kiss until your wedding day. Since you're not technically doing it, you can still technically remain pure.

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