The Colorado Springs Gazette revisits the issue. They quote yours truly to the effect that Focus’ influence among younger evangelicals appears to be waning. The balance of the article suggests that my guess-timation is misguided, and that Focus’ decline has more to do with an overall economic decline, changes in technology that require fewer employees, etc. Could be, and it’s definitely true that Focus has never been the darling of the young adult set in any event. 

What’s most interesting and curious about the article, though, is this comment from Focus’ COO, Glenn Williams: “The reach is more expansive and the demand has intensified.” Seriously? 400 jobs cut since 2003 while demand for Focus products is growing

The article doesn’t explore whether that’s a toss-off PR line or if there’s some substance to back it up. It does mention that Focus’ budget was higher than ever until October, but doesn’t ask whether the budget matched revenue. 

I’d be interested to know what the Christians who read this blog think of Focus on the Family. Do you like their materials on parenting? Adventures in Odyssey? Plugged In? But not the political action wing? Or do you appreciate their political voice, and forget that they are, in fact, mostly a family helps ministry? Do you embrace/reject Focus wholeheartedly? Or are they not on your radar at all?

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