Cizik resigned because he changed his position on civil unions. Christianity Today has all the pertinent info, and an interview with NAE president Leith Anderson. Two moments from the interview I’d like to point to:
First, this very good question from reporter Sarah Pulliam:

Has the rise of the Religious Right made it more difficult for the NAE to try to represent evangelicals?
I don’t know. I’ve never thought about that.

I take Leith Anderson to be a person of integrity and do not see this as spin…but I do wish he’d think about that. It’s a very important question for the NAE and anyone concerned with American evangelicalism, because the Religious Right has been one of the most visible features of Christianity in this nation since the late 1970s. 

Second, the last quote CT offers from Anderson is:

It would be enormously helpful if people could understand that what we are about is the Bible and personal faith in Jesus Christ. 

It sure would. And it’s the job of every Christian to help people understand that–the onerous is ours, not theirs. 

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