Tonight the number of Idol hopefuls went from nine to eight, and Pia Toscano took the fall. In the bottom three with her were Jacob Lusk and Stefano Langone. This was expected, after all her performance last night wasn’t all that strong…
Wait, what?
Too bad the judges already used their save. In the second of absolutely insane results, America voted and one of the top vocalists on the show went home. If you were to ask me why Pia finished last, I have absolutely no reason to give you. This is the most baffling Idol decision since Jennifer Hudson left the show early. Pia was the probably most consistent singer this season, always delivering notable performances and pushing herself to be better each week. We can only hope though that like Jennifer Hudson before her, she will go on to bigger and better things. Perhaps things where her fate isn’t decided primarily by apparently tone deaf viewers.
With Britney Spears having the number 1 album and Pia Toscano leaving American Idol it is as clear as ever that Americans as a whole have awful taste in music.
Related – American Idol Top 9 Recap!