As a recovering addict have you found that traditional
methods regarding recovery not suiting to your individual needs? This is not to
say that traditional 12-Step methods are not worthwhile, for that is not the
case. You may be the type of person that needs a system and structure for
recovery that step outside of the traditional recovery box. It is important to
know that this is o.k, there is nothing wrong with you for seeking additional
assistance to ensure your recovery from your addiction. The Law of Sobriety
embraces the traditional methods of recovery while adding additional tools that
can ensure a successful and meaningful recovery.

 Staying sober just for the sake of being sober isn’t always
the best way to handle your addiction. Without a higher purpose while striving
towards your universal calling, being sober can seem meaningless and you may
find yourself quickly relapsing. What is your true purpose? Are you just trying
to stay sober or do you desire to embrace sobriety and lead a fulfilling and
meaningful life? The Law of Sobriety
offers steps, exercises and tools that will allow the recovering addict to
examine their true purpose. You are on this earth for a reason, your Higher
Power doesn’t make mistakes and you were not placed here to simply exist. Your
true calling can be found deep inside of your, within your soul and once you
truly listen to your essence you will know exactly why you are here. Without this
deeper meaning, simply staying sober will not be fulfilling.

 Traditional recovery and rehab facilities that embrace
traditional recovery are wonderful and they do have the ability to give addicts
the tools needed to begin their recovery journey. However, these traditional
steps are not the only way to become sober, nor are they the only way to remain
sober. Becoming sober and embracing life is a very personal experience, with
each individual needing structure and stability to stay standing.

 If you find that traditional methods of recovery and
sobriety don’t seem to work for you, do not be alarmed. There are other methods
in this world, that when used properly, can provide you with a method that will
work for you. The road of recovery is never an easy one, but do not feel that
you have to adhere to one specific program to have success. As we are all
individually unique, our recovery journey is unique to ourselves. We can share
this journey with friends, loved ones, professionals and fellowships, as we deem
beneficial. Just remember that if you are considering giving up because you
think you have failed one to many times with one particular method of recovery,
dust yourself off and give yourself a million more second chances. There is a
method of recovery out there for you, never stop trying.

Sherry Gaba, LCSW, is a Psychotherapist and Life and Recovery Coach in private practice in Agoura Hills, Westlake Village, Thousand Oaks, Malibu, and Calabasas and on Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew on VH1.  Sherry is also the author of “The Law of Sobreity” called a “Masterpiece” by Deepak Chopra.  Contact Sherry at to learn more about her speaking engagements, workshops, teleseminars, and coaching packages. or



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