In a previous blog, I explained that codependent marriage junkies try to make their partner totally dependent on them, so they will never be able to leave. This kind of codependency is the result of a childhood that was full of unmet needs. The codependent believes that if they sacrifice enough, their partner will give…

Relationship junkies are always trying to create a “perfect” relationship. Of course, perfection is a fantasy, but they’re always trying to bring that fantasy to life. Seeking perfection—in yourself and others—is actually a compulsion to control, which is why relationship addicts sometimes feel like controlling partners. When everything around them seems precarious and desperate, control…

You can’t watch anything on TV these days without seeing an ad for a dating app. The selling point for most of them seems to be that they’re more scientific about making a match or the people who use them are more serious about dating—all leading to some version of, “We’ll make sure you get…

If you’re at all interested in mastering powerful transformational processes that you can ACTUALLY USE to create the recovery coaching business or psychotherapy practice you desire, be sure to join me for my upcoming… FREE Coaching and Q&A Call for Recovery Professionals Being held Wednesday, March 28th, at 11:00am Pacific. Click here to register…

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