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The Celebrity Therapist
Surviving as a Single Parent
Sherry Gaba
Radio Interview on Celebrity Worship
Sherry Gaba
2 Moms and a Mic ? Get Ready as I join 2 MOMS AND A MIC August 18, 2010 at 1400 to discuss your children’s addiction to celebrities.
Alcohol and Depression: Which Came First the Chicken or the Egg?
Sherry Gaba
Depression and alcoholism often go together, but which causes which is a chicken-and-egg kind of question. As I know all too well from personal experience that a couple of drinks can break down your inhibitions and give you feelings of confidence, well-being and even euphoria. If you’re feeling depressed anyway, that sounds pretty good. However…
How Celebrity Author and Spiritual Guru Deepak Chopra Taught me Humility
Sherry Gaba
Friday I was screaming of joy when I learned from my editor that Deepak Chopra had endorsed my book. Although, it will not be on the book cover because the book has been printed already, it will appear in other promotions. “Sherry Gaba’s book, The Law of Sobriety, is a masterpiece. It will help millions…
How do you Feel about Single Parenting by Choice?
Sherry Gaba
As a single mother of a twenty-six year old woman since she was one years old, I was outraged by Jennifer Aniston’s remark that men are optional in child rising. Although this is a blog on addictions, I felt I needed to take a stand on this topic. I was outraged because I don’t think…
Radio Interview on Love Addiction and Adolescents
Sherry Gaba
2 Moms and a Mic ?2 Moms and a Mic Get Ready as I join 2 MOMS AND A MIC August 11, 2010 tune in 1400 to discuss Love Addiction and Adolescents
Embracing Simplicity
Sherry Gaba
We live in a time of great worry. Our minds, hearts and stomachs have trouble settling, slowing down and finding peace. From one perspective, we have good cause for concern. The economy’s unpredictability stirs anxiety about our ability to provide for our families in the most basic ways: food, shelter, clothes. And every day…
In the Flow
Sherry Gaba
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a professor and former chairman of the Department of Psychology at the University of Chicago, has been working with a concept he calls “flow.” The process of flow occurs when your consciousness matches your goals, allowing psychic energy to flow smoothly. For 40 years, Csikszentmihalyi has been studying what makes people happy, and…
Acceptance and Compassion: Cornerstones to Working Through Life Transitions
Sherry Gaba
Periods of change and transition can be stressful for most people. But for those grappling with an addiction, how you deal with change takes on even greater importance, since your addiction typically functions as your (maladaptive) coping mechanism in times of stress. Applying acceptance and compassion can help you begin to shift negative responses to…
A Case of Missing Identity
Sherry Gaba
A few decades ago, scads of people searched in earnest to “find themselves”. The general public dismissed this as a lot of hippy hooey. How does it happen that “you” have wandered away such that travelling to relocate yourself is necessary? How do you recognize yourself when you get there? Will you be holding a…
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