After running a few errands this morning, I made my way home. As I approached my doorstep, I noticed an unusual array of belongings: a sleeping bag, a suitcase, a paper bag filled with newspapers and a pouch. Clearly someone homeless had left them by my doorstep. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I…

Once we have learned to transition from resistance to openness, we cultivate a much greater capacity for awareness. Awareness is not a mental “thing”, it isn’t really a thinking process or a rational or logical process in its totality. Reason cannot really exist in awareness, because awareness is absolute. In order for one to arrive…

Why is it important for us to merge our inner reality with the outer, and what does it mean to do that? I pose this insightful question to encourage those that are on the spiritual path to expand their awareness by putting their inner wisdom into practice. Once we’ve learned to listen to ourselves through…

According to Freud, the personality is composed of 3 parts: The Id, Ego and the Superego. The Id is the pleasure principle. It is the part of ourselves that develops to meet our wants, needs and desires. The ego is the reasoning aspect of the Id. It is the part of ourselves that progresses forward…

Quite often we are faced with changes and the transitional period between one experience and another can sometimes be very difficult as we deal with loss, grief and the breakdown of existing structures. It is natural that we become afraid, hurt and displaced during these periods. Our existing structures serve as expressions of that which…

In the most spiritual communities there is much discussion about intention and creation. Everything from positive affirmations to healing subconscious belief patterns and visualization push us toward the idea that we can release that which we do not want to invite in that which we desire. Many new age teachers encourage various techniques to assist…

The human contains a sensitive emotional space. In this space we become aware of our internal world interacting with the external world: who we think we are interplays with what we think the world is. In reality, it is a one sided relationship, and in sum, it really is all about you and nothing else.…

The pathway we are walking, is one of infinite potential. That is, if we allow ourselves to be guided by one thing, and one thing only. Love. I speak of love very simply, for the sake of teaching others how to put it into practice and learn how to release it’s potent force. Love is…

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